Is “CannabiGold” CBD oil legal?
Yes. According to the WHO ECDD’s July 2018 recommendations, CBD should not be controlled because no psychotropic effects were identified.
Because of increased consumption of cannabis products around the world and sufficient scientific evidence about using hemp products for therapeutic and medical purposes WHO for the first time in July 2018 analyzed cannabis use and presented recommendations to the United Nations (UN). The full document of WHO in English is available here.
The Committee met on June 4th to 7th, 2018 and came to the following conclusions :
1. There was sufficient evidence to proceed to a critical review of cannabis and related substances at the next ECDD meeting in November 2018.
2. The ECDD recommended that preparations considered to contain pure cannabidiol (CBD) not be placed under international drug control as the substance was found to have no psychoactive properties and, as such, presented no risk of potential abuse or dependence.